Billings Bridge Dental Centre

Dental Veneers in Ottawa

Dental Services

Dental Veneers Near You

Many patients are overwhelmed by the number of cosmetic flaws they want to correct in their smiles. Instead of undergoing multiple treatments and appointments, porcelain veneers can simplify your makeover plan. Veneers are extremely thin restorations made from custom-coloured porcelain. They are placed on the front surface of the tooth and can cover many imperfections. 

Reasons For Veneers

There are several reasons you may want to receive dental veneers. Veneers can be created for entirely cosmetic purposes, usually to create a uniform smile. They are often applied to fix flaws, such as crooked, misshapen, or chipped teeth, as well as to aid severely discoloured teeth and large gaps.

What Happens When You Get Veneers?

Having veneers applied typically requires two appointments. During the initial visit, your teeth will be prepared, an impression will be taken, and a shade will be chosen. At your second visit, your teeth will be properly cleaned, and the veneers will be bonded to your teeth. 

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