Billings Bridge Dental Centre

Teeth Whitening in Ottawa

Dental Services

Teeth Whitening Near You

Over time, your teeth can become discoloured, stained, or dull. If you need to refresh the look of your smile, talk to our dental team about our professional teeth whitening services in Ottawa. We can help you achieve dramatic results in less time with our professional whitening tools.

Reasons for Teeth Whitening

Having whiter teeth is a major aesthetic concern for many of our patients. Stained or brown/yellow teeth can happen for several reasons, and the normal wearing of your outer tooth layer can also cause colour changes. The results of teeth whitening treatments can be affected by the reason for your discolouration, so our dentists will ask you several questions about your lifestyle to ensure we recommend the best course of action for whitening your teeth.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

At Billings Bridge Dental Centre, we offer ZOOM! in-centre professional products as well as take-home teeth whitening kits. If you are interested in immediate results, our in-centre procedure takes only one appointment and can dramatically brighten your smile by up to six shades. Alternatively, it is possible to use take-home kits on a more flexible schedule from the comfort of home.

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